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July 2000 Fan

Mina Smith

I first saw Rocky at a small suburban theater when I was a freshman in high school because I had a crush on a guy who went there. Many of my classmates were regulars there, and I quickly became a part of their show. The general casting rule of that particular theater was to show up in costumeand claim your part for the night. With a knack for costumes and make-up, I whipped out a Columbia costume and performed nearly every weekend.

About a year later things came to an end at that AMC theatre, and I ventured into Houston to perform with the Bel-Air theatre cast. The Bel-Air cast was much more organized. It was my home up until it's final days in March of 1992. Some friends and I were determined not to let Rocky die in Houston, and I soon moved the show to the River Oaks Theatre in June of '92 where it has ran ever since (Houston's longest run for Rocky Horror).

Soon after things got rolling there, I left for college in Austin and performed with their cast, and later when I moved to Chicago I performed with their cast as well. When I moved to Wisconsin, I all but stopped going.

Then 5 years later in the summer of '98 I returned home to Houston and was reunited with the cast. I have since become co-cast director and webmaster. I also maintain a weekly 4-page newsletter for the audience, and sell Rocky costumes on the internet.

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