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Fan Club Background

The "Rocky Horror Picture Show" Fan Club was started by Sal Piro and a group of original audience participants from the Waverly Theater in 1977. After the success of the Tenth Anniversary of the movie in 1985, the Fan Club, which was previously an independent organization, came under the support of Twentieth Century Fox.

For a self-addressed, stamped envelope (S.A.S.E.), the new member receives a welcome letter, membership card, button, an up-to-date RHPS newsletter and current product information. Services provided by the Fan Club include answering all questions on RHPS theaters, history, availability of memorabilia, miscellaneous requests and forwarding of mail to the film's stars. The Rocky Horror newsletter (new news) is printed quarterly (January, April, July, October) and members are asked to send a new S.A.S.E. at the appropriate time and mark on the envelope "new news".

The Fan Club now has approximately 50,000 U.S. and Canadian members, and 5,000 internationally. The fan club also has a representative system. In this system, appropriate fan club members represent the club at the respective RHPS theater. The duties of a "rep" include recruiting new members, and being a liaison between the club and other fans, keeping them informed of the latest news or events. The fan club provides the "rep" with plenty of information and incentive for keeping RHPS alive and active in their area. They receive a copy of "Transylvania University" which deals with forming and maintaining a cast, publicizing their activities and keeping harmony with theater management and among themselves.

The fan club's address has been placed in most of the major RHPS products and releases including the video, DVD, calendars and CD box sets. Recently the fan club changed from the previous 204 W. 20th Street address.


The new address is:

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club
PMB #379
1040 First Ave
New York, NY 10022-2902

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Other History Sites

Rocky Horror FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the history of Rocky Horror.

Rocky Horror Preservation Foundation

A site featuring articles, press releases, and other documents.

TRHPS on Wikipedia

A great general rundown of TRHPS.


Technical and cast details for The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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