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RockyMusic:	The	Musical	World	of Rocky Horror


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Venue Info
Venue Name:
Venue Sub-Name:
(i.e. if playing at a university, the name of the building / auditorium)
Venue Website:
Venue Ticket Price:
Street Address:
(i.e. "123 Main Street")
State / Province:
Postal / ZIP Code:
When did this venue start showing RHPS?
(Leave this blank if you do not know.)
Cast Info
Cast Name:
Cast Website:
What days of the week does this cast perform?
What time is the show?
When did this cast start performing at this venue?
(Leave this blank if you do not know.)
Your Info
Your Name (First and Last):
Your E-mail Address:
Notes / Message:

Security Code:

Other Participation Sites

RHPS FAQ Text Files

A good source for Rocky Horror audience participation scripts.

TimeWarp UK Virgin's Guide

More tips for your "first time".

RockyCast Forum

RHPS fan forum from Cosmo's Factory.

TRHPS MySpace Cast Pages

Links to TRHPS casts on MySpace.

TRHPS Newsgroup on Google

The original Internet discussion forum for The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Shop our Amazon RHPS Store

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