Dynamic Tension
Denver, CO
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Denver, Colorado saw the birth of Rocky some time back in 1977 at the Ogden theatre and has run every Saturday night since then. Currently at the Esquire Theatre, located at 6th and Downing, the cast known as Denver's "Dynamic Tension" is at the forefront of a great revival of interest in our favorite movie. Formed only a year ago, Denver's "Dynamic Tension" took on the challenge of creating a show unlike any previously seen in Colorado, and in a relatively short space of time, have turned what used to be a lackluster performance into a true show. Where previously there had been no real costuming, we now have accurate costumes; where there had been no attention paid to blocking and characterization, we now have a smooth flowing performance and superb actors. Where we used to play to 20 people, we now play to over 100. We also recently proudly received an award for "Best Cult Film of 1996" from Denver's Westword weekly newspaper. Very good for a show everyone previously dismissed.
The credit goes to a large group of very enthusiastic young actors, whose dedication and hard work are paying off handsomely. We have attracted cast members from established casts around the country, and currently have taken on two inventive young men who are building us some rather spectacular props.
This cast is still evolving, but the bulk of our work has been accomplished. We are now expanding from the basic show to begin staging elaborate theme nights (recently a creative version of "The Wizard of Oz") and pre-shows; which are new for us but being attacked with the same attention to detail as in our initial creation of our floorshow. We also support local AIDS charities and have had delegations at parades and fund raising walks. We hope to mount a major convention sometime in the winter of 1997-98, winter being an exciting time in Colorado, with excellent skiing not far from Denver, while the weather in Denver is 60 degrees.
Currently we plan a major Halloween show, very possibly on Halloween night itself, which will be a shared performance with all cast members taking part, and another dynamic theme night during the winter where we will take Rocky into Wonderland, complete with Caterpillar, The Cheshire Cat, and the Red Queen! Also shortly we will have our own Web Page designed and produced by one of our own cast.