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RockyMusic:	The	Musical	World	of Rocky Horror


January 1999 Cast

The Full Body Cast

Cambridge, MA

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[ Additional Info ]

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is performed every Saturday at midnight at Loews Theater, Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts by the Full Body Cast. Every Month the FBC comes up with spankin' NEW Preshows, containing special effects such as lasers, strobes and fog machines. To keep with the spirit of Rocky Horror, you are allowed to throw stuff in the theatre at Rocky. There is a capitalist ploy though... You have to buy your stuff from FBC, but it only costs a buck (What the #$%@, and bag of shit for just a buck?). Each bag containing cards, rice, toilet paper, noisemakers, toast and party hats. Also some bags have special surprises. FBC also perform shows outside their theater in places such as Spooky World and Colby College and Maine.

One of the most important aspects of putting on the Rocky Horror Picture Show is what goes on behind the scenes. The people most audience members never see, the oh so ninja like tekkie. The Full Body Cast is made up of 4 different "tech" crews lights, props, costumes and security. All tekkies must wear black and be a sub genius, each crew averages about four people including a "Head of Tech" to run the crew. We often have openings for new Tekkies at the Full Body Cast so if you're interested you can fill out an application online.

At the Full Body Cast a lot of odd things go on, and some of them... not too kosher, find out why we're all gonna burn in hell:

- Wrestling mayhem has broken out at Rocky Horror! Click the link to lay the smack down on the latest news and the roster of the Full Body Cast vs. the Rogue World Order, and that's the bottom line!
- The Official Drinking Games
- Parties after the show

Full Body Cast motto -
CAUTION: if you drink too much and puke, we're all gonna laugh at you!

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