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RockyMusic:	The	Musical	World	of Rocky Horror


September 1999 Cast

The Transexual Misfits

Elkton, MD

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We are a very new cast, we debuted our show on July 3, 1999. We didn't have much time to get ready. I received an email from my former theater owner, saying that he had gotten the print for Rocky and wanted a cast in there as soon as possible! So, I decided to call some performers in the area, who I knew were out of a theater. I really didn't know them, but had heard their names and got some phone numbers. As you can guess, they were thrilled to help out. I got Jessica Feldman to find people to fill in the gaps that we were missing character wise and away we went. I still had 2 remaining members of my old cast, Katie Ryan and Lori Halsey who were more than willing to play and Mike Rosensweig, who had once been a performer in another Maryland cast. All of us have been involved with performing Rocky for at least 4 years, so that helped a lot. Believe it or not, we didn't meet the other performers until a half hour before the show. They drove an hour to the theater, got dressed and with no practice we did the show.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised to find that we all instantly clicked. The show was great, a little rusty of course, but the audience loved it. We have been together ever since. We've all become great friends and we've picked up some other performers who were without a theater in the area and got a couple of newbies too.

Sheri and Mike as Riff and Magenta I can honestly say that this is the most fun I have had with a cast ever. It's very laid back and the shows are always fun for us, which in turn makes it fun for the audience. We are presently working on new costumes and all that fun stuff. We have a wonderful costumer, Linda Jennings, who has basically adopted all of us as her children and we are coming along well.

The theater is easily accessible to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, so we have a really great location. So, if anyone wants to come hang out, contact us!! We love to hang out with the audience members! Our homepage is located at, and you can always email me at I update the site EVERY Sunday with news about the show and pictures from the night before.

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