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April 2007 Cast

The Home Of Happiness

Upper Montclair, NJ

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The Home Of Happiness - Magenta and Riff, Janet and Brad As with many Rocky Horror casts, The Home Of Happiness (or HoH for short) was created from the ashes of other local area casts. The folks who started HoH are well-known veterans of the RHPS scene, and previously came from Friday and Saturday night Rocky casts in Paramus and Teaneck, NJ, as well as Nyack, NY. They wanted to start their own traditions in a new home.

It took a while to find a venue, and find a venue they did, in the Darress Theatre in Boonton, NJ. The Darress is an old Vaudeville-type theatre with a music pit, wooden stage, balcony, and dressing rooms. The theatre showed old sci-fi and horror films, so it was a perfect match. After their opening in May 1998, people from all over New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania would come to see the new Boonton shows, with a cozy atmosphere that made audience participation truly fun.

The Home Of Happiness - Matt and Frank HoH left their theatre in January 1999, and it didn't take long to find a new venue. In June 1999, HoH was performing again, this time at the Screening Zone in Montclair, NJ. The Screening Zone was a theatre that showed mostly independent films, so again HoH was lucky enough to find a good match. The cast even managed to find an original mono print of the film, a rarity since many of those prints have since been replaced by newer ones. This theatre was closer to more people than previously, and so almost every week the lobby of the theatre was packed with people from all over the area. The show became famous for their theme nights, Tim Burton Night, Lingerie Night and others that were fun and hilarious.

The Home Of Happiness - sinister sneers Four years later, due to neighborhood redevelopment, the Screening Zone closed in July 2003. The theatre's chain helped HoH find a new theater only a few miles away. In September 2003, the cast started at their new (and current) home, the Bellevue Theatre in Upper Montclair, NJ, where they play every Saturday night at Midnight.

HoH has since gone on to do many shows at home and elsewhere. One of their most famous shows is the Brookhaven Amphitheatre show in 2005, which played to an audience of roughly 4,000 people!

The Home Of Happiness - Carrie as Columbia The Home of Happiness is now known as one of the best casts in the New York City area. With their shows that bring the audience into the fun, silly pre-shows and theme nights, amazing props, and all-around great attitidue, The Home of Happiness is a true RHPS tradition.

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